Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The 'stache has aged me

Since the pictures are nowhere to be found, I have decided to write about how the 'stache has aged me beyond my years.

Twice in one week I have talked to coworkers who independently thought I was over thirty. My age came up during discussions of "Millennials", a term I have started to hear more these days. During these conversations, my coworkers defined the age group to be under 30s and then went on to tell me how millennials have no work ethic. Maybe I should understand these conversations to mean that I am more professional than others my age, but I take it to mean I look old with it. I am sure the receding hairline doesn't help me look younger these days, but I will blame the 'stache since I can't control my balding.

Apparently I have no pictures on this computer, so you will have to wait until next time for side by side comparisons. By the way, we got a new Dell netbook and are enjoying it. The only issue is that Dell thought it would be cool and integrate the mouse buttons into the touchpad and failed miserably. Every time I try to click on a link, the Windows Start screen pops up. Pretty annoying. If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know.