Monday, July 6, 2009

The origins of the summer of 'stache

The origins of the summer of 'stache go all the way back to Halloween of 2008. On that night Jen and I agreed to be characters for a group costume the next year. The theme: the boardgame Clue.

Jen wanted to be Miss Peacock and suggested I should be Colonel Mustard. The colonel is known for his monocle and sweet 'stache so I knew I would have to start the growing early. I never intended on growing the mustache for a full year and knew I would get tired of having the 'stache if I started growing it too early. The question then became, when do I start growing so it will do the Colonel proud but not so early that I shave it prematurely from frustration.

Jen helped solve that problem before our East Coast vacation in April. She offered to make my entire Colonel Mustard Halloween costume if I kept the 'stache through Halloween. Knowing that Jen would do a much better job at making the costume than I would, I quickly accepted.

Having committed to a 'stache for the foreseeable future, Jen suggested I chronicle the growth of the 'stache with a blog. Having never blogged before, I thought it was a good idea. I would take some pictures every once in a while, write about how the 'stache is doing and keep everyone who saw the begginings of the 'stache updated on the progress.

The last thing to decide on was the name for the blog. As summer was coming up and I watch too much Seinfeld, the Summer of George came to mind. The Summer of 'tache was my first idea for the blog title since I prefer the English 'tache to the American 'stache. But as I really like the alliteration from "Summer of 'Stache", and most people don't know 'tache is short for mustache, I chose Summer of 'Stache.

1 comment:

  1. you're even wearing yellow in your 'tache photo... see, it's meant to be!
